Steve Stevens - の検索結果

Vol.131 Steve Stevens / January 2023

Steve Stevens

The brand-new EP of Billy Idle “THE CAGE” has been released. Billy’s longtime collaborator Steve Stevens hugely contributed to this record as guitarist and co-songwritter. Steve proved his ability as a Rock guitarist and his developed music taste. He still strongly has an aura which he built up through his career working with many top artists including Michael Jackson.
Steve’s guitar is famous for bigtunes with Billy like “Rebel Yell” and “White Wedding (part 1)” which both milestones in Rock guitar history. No need to mention that he contributed his beautiful and aggressive guitar to “Top Gun Anthem” which is the theme song for the classic film “Top Gun” in 1986. We can watch countless video which young guitarists cover Steve’s tunes on YouTube.
As a solo artist, Steve Stevens has released a Hard-Rock piece “Steve Stevens Atomic Play Boys”, Flamenco guitar project “FLAMENCO.A.GO.GO” and the great Rock guitar instrumental album “Memory Crash”. Those albums speak to all music lovers how Steve is an expert of songwriting, arrangement, production and of course musician.
Muse On Muse had a chat with Steve himself about Billy Idol’s new EP “The Cage”, “Top Gun Anthem” and DynlR product “the Steve Stevens Platinum Collection” on Two Notes.

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Vol.131 Steve Stevens / January 2023

Steve Stevens

ビリー・アイドルの最新EP「THE CAGE」がリリースされた。このEPでもビリー・アイドルの長年に渡る盟友、スティーヴ・スティーヴンスが作曲、ギターで大きく貢献している。ロック・ギタリストとしての強力なギターテクニック、抜群の音楽センスを持っていることはもちろん、ビリー・アイドルとの一連の作品やステージ、そして今は亡きスーパースター、マイケル・ジャクソンとの共演 “Dirty Dianna”で放っていたような「華」のある強烈な存在感は健在である。
ビリー・アイドルとのこれまでの作品においては、”Rebel Yell”や”White Wedding(part 1)”などロック・ギター史に刻まれるオリジナリティあふれる印象的なプレイを生み出し、1986年に公開された映画「TOP GUN」の”TOP GUN ANTHEM”で披露した美しくもアグレッシヴでセンス溢れるギタープレイは今でもなお輝きを放っており、動画サイトでは彼のプレイをカヴァーする若い世代のギタリストの姿を数多く観ることができる。スティーヴ・スティーヴンス自身のソロとしてもこれまでにハードロックに基軸を置いた「STEVE STEVENS ATOMIC PLAY BOYS」、フラメンコギターの持つ優美さ、激しさを追求した「FLAMENCO.A.GO.GO」、ロック・ギター・インストゥルメンタルの魅力が詰まった「Memory Crash」を生み出すなど、作曲・アレンジ・プロデュースといったミュージシャンとしての総合力の秀逸さによって幅広い音楽ファンを魅了し続けている。スティーヴ・スティーヴンスにビリー・アイドルの最新EP「THE CAGE」への取組、TOP GUNへ携わった当時のことからTwo NotesからリリースされているDynIR製品「the Steve Stevens Platinum Collection」に至るまで色々と訊いた。


Vol.118 Stevie Salas / February 2021

Stevie Salas

Photo by Framus

Stevie Salas is well known among Japanese music fans for the project INABA/SALAS with Koshi Inaba from B’z. The Japanese edition of his book “When We Were the Boys: Coming of Age on Rod Stewart’s Out of Order Tour”, which was originally released in US in 2014, was out now and the book contains full of interesting episodes in his career from his tour to auditions to works for Rod Stewart and it is not only for Stevie Salas supporters, but also for Rod Stewart and Rock fans. We had a chat with Stevie himself about the book, his music production and Japanese musicians in world-wide Rock market.

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Vol.5 Derek Sherinian / October 2011

Derek Sherinian

元DREAM THEATERのキーボーディストであり、最近ではグレン・ヒューズ、ジェイソン・ボーナム、ジョー・ボナマッサと結成しているBlack Country Communionでの活動やBilly Idolへの参加で知られているデレク・シェリニアンがハードなロックフュージョンのアルバムをリリースする。


Vol.5 Derek Sherinian / October 2011

Derek Sherinian

Derek Sherinian is the Ex-DREAM THEATER keyboard player currently playing for BLACK COUTRY COMMUNION formed by Glenn Hughes, Jason Bonham and Joe Bonamassa. Derek is also known for working with Billy Idol and is know releasing an album featuring a hard rock oriented fusion sound.

Participating in the album are Steve Lukather and Simon Philips, who just finished a successful tour to Japan in September as members of TOTO. Steve Stevens, Joe Bonamassa, Tony MacAlpine, Doug Aldrich, and others also take part in the album, all contributing excellent performances.

Derek talks about his album “Oceana” and about the various musicians taking part in the recording.

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