カテゴリー: Stevie Salas Column EN

Stevie Salas Column issue #5 Designing Guitars with Stevie Salas at the Warwick/Framus factory

Since my career started I have always been lucky to work with some great guitar companies. In 1990 I started to also work on some of my own designs.
In the year 2000 I told myself I was never gonna wear white socks again and if possible not play anymore guitars with shapes that looked like normal safe guitars or guitars that looked like versions of a Les Paul or a Strat.

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Stevie Salas Column issue #4 NAMM 2016

So like many musicians when I was a kid I would dream about being able to get into this incredible trade show called Namm that was filed with amazing music equipment.
I first got in when I was about 19 and I bought a cool peddle board made by a guy named Jay Sessum and since that day I have been hooked!

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Stevie Salas Column issue #1 Great Guitar Players That We Need To Talk More About

I woke up this morning in Austin Texas thinking about a weird old song that was a pop hit called in the 80s called Jesse’s Girl by a guy named Rick Springfield.

I wasn’t really thinking about Rick OR the song but I was thinking about the amazing melodic rock solo on the song by the GREAT but not talked about guitar player Neil Giraldo. I heard Neil’s notes in my head and tried to picture where those notes were on the fret board….and a funny thing happened….I couldn’t picture where those notes were coming from.
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