Angel Vivaldi - の検索結果

Vol.86 Angel Vivaldi / June 2018

Angel Vivaldi

The guitarist Angel Vivaldi has been receiving remarkable attention for his musical works especially on Youtube. Angel’s music video for “A Martian Winter” which was dropped in 2012 went viral and hit more than 6 million views. His other music videos went on to hit over a few hundred thousand views and he currently has over one hundred thousand people subscribed to his youtube channel.
His highly technical guitar skills truly are an art form all their own and Angel’s sense to implement them at the right time really make the songs shine. The contrast of shredding technical guitar riffs and catchy beautiful melodies work well on the heavier tracks.
Listener’s have been attracted to the new album for it’s technical guitar, his musical taste and high production value. Also having guest musicians Nita Strauss from Alice Cooper and Guss G on the album helped to build the hype.
He took some time to talk to Muse On Muse about his musical background and his brand new set “Synapse”.

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Vol.86 Angel Vivaldi / June 2018

Angel Vivaldi

Angel Vivaldi (エンジェル・ヴィヴァルディ)は、自身のYoutubeチャンネルの登録者数が11万、2012年に投稿のミュージック・ビデオ “A Martian Winter” が現時点で視聴回数620万回、その他の楽曲でも視聴回数が数十万回の単位に達しているなどインターネットを中心とした情報発信により多くのギター・ファンからの注目を集めているミュージシャン、ギタリスト。
目下の最新作である「SYNAPSE」では、ゲストにNita Strauss(Alice Cooper)や、Gus Gを迎え入れるなどの話題性、そしてエンジェルの持つ卓越した作曲能力、ギターテクニック、センスが遺憾なく発揮されておりリスナーを強烈に惹きつける作品となっている。
